![]() Australian Time Trials Association Inc |
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TopBreakfast from 07:30
Continental Breakfast
- Baby Croissants filled with ham/spinach and swiss cheese - Toast and spreads - Bircher Muesli - Yohgurt
- Fruit Platter - Orange Juice - Freshly brewed tea and coffeeThe Agenda
Presentation of Trophies, BAR medals and Hilly Shirts
Minutes of 2010 meeting
- President's Report
- Treasurer's Report and Balance Sheet
- The Income and Expenditure Charts
Election of Office Bearers
All positions to be declared vacant and the following officers to be elected:
- President
- Vice President(s)
- Treasurer
- Course Permissions Secretary
- Members of an Executive Committee
(All Office Bearers and elected members of the Executive Committee will be part of the 'Race Committee')Other Business
- Fees: Membership & Race Entry
- Date of the Next AGM
Forum discussion (non-AGM business)
Minutes from Meeting
Report on 2011 Meeting
After the distribution of the Hilly shirts and the business of breakfast, we continued with the presentation of the BAR medals the Hart Trophy and the Hilly Trophy.
Congratulations, Natalie and Cam! - the two who will share the custody of the Hart Trophy for the next twelve months; Matt Dec will have first suck on the Hilly trophy as for him, it's his first time.08:30 - the Meeting proper began.
The assumption was made that that all members present had read the various documents relevant to the meeting all of which had been published on the website (see the links above).
President's Report
The following comments were added:
• WestCycle will be launched next week. Steven McKiernan, wearing his BTA hat provided some additional detail on the structure and potential functions of WestCycle. Eventually ATTA hopes it will achieve, by some form of universal membership, that which we have espoused as a fundamental principle: inclusiveness.
It was gratifying that ATTA was invited to be a foundation member; disappointing that BWA and WCMCC are not yet involved.
There is not the possibility of any CWA changes that will improve our marginal status there. Substantial operational improvements have been made but there's no will to move from the established structure and nexus with CA. The new CWA constitution will fix the issues that were revealed last year but not change anything significant with regard to the status of ATTA.• Membership - no change this year from the big increase last year. Only 2010 data is available for the overall count of CWA members in ATTA but approximately 38% of ATTA members hold CA licences. This is reflected in event participation; a large proportion of riders are Triathletes or 'Masters' affiliates.
• Cancelled events seemed to feature in our early season. They were the result of 'complications' arising from bureaucratic procedures and, unfortunately, the rescheduled Wandi event, that had originally been a sell-out, attracted fewer riders at the end of the season.
The Early-Bird series again proved it is viable and the BIP series will be retained although attracting fewer women riders over the past few seasons; we are still considering how to recognise blokes' performances in the EB series but will do so in the coming series.
• West Coolup, a new course - worked well for the '160' this year; a variation will allow a full 160km next year.
• Courses with dubious futures were identified: Inkpen; Neerabup; Herne Hill; Brookton; Chittering; Bibra Lake; Wandi.
• The full 2012 program is almost ready to publish.• Timing.
More groups are adopting electronic timing. The Peel decision was disappointing (note forum posting); SWCC is likely to adopt a passive system.
Tx failures - MyLaps identified a batch problem and is replacing failures from amongst them but we've still had a few others die; hopefully this only represents part of a long 'tail'. We now include a pre-race check of devices in our procedures and are about to add a battery monitor to ATTAtime. Purchase of additional software means that events can be set up independently by at least one other person now; it is also an additional, necessary backup storage for all ATTA data.• Administration - the rules (Constitution) need rewriting as they no longer conform fully to the requirements of 'the Act'. This will be fairly straightforward revision but will require a Special General Meeting for its ratification and this will happen well before the next AGM .
• Succession: Mike did his bit and then needed a holiday; Lorraine expanded her skills; 'permissions' can be handed over readily to another user. The requirements have become more rigorous but we now have good documents that can be used as templates.
Treasurer’s Report
A verbal summary was given
…and then:
The following were reinstated for another year:
• President: Peter Meyer
• Vice-Presidents: Natalie Roberts; Lorraine Schutz
• Treasurer: Mike Round
• Secretary: (Events Co-ordinator) Susie Munro.
A number of the duties of the Office of Secretary will be shared, as in the past, by various office bearers because it is operationally more convenient.
They will be our Management Committee together with: Troy Coulthard; Byron Geneve; Roger Hales; Neil McRae; Helen Watkins and Cam Berg.
Nicky Armstrong will be adding expert comment on the Administration email list together with Peter Vaughan as he grooms himself for greater involvement in ATTA affairs.Our treasury recommended that Membership fees remain at $25 (Family $40; Juniors <16 and Seniors >60, $15) and Race entry fees also remain unchanged
About 09:40 we closed the meeting.