![]() Australian Time Trials Association Inc |
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… a very gratifying attendance by 30 or so members. A fine dinner and a sad farewell to the Pimms who were presented with a fine jarrah writing box to remember us by or at least store the odd medal in. They were also granted life membership of ATTA.
From the meeting: the Election of Office Bearers resulted in a couple of changes. Of course John & Karen PImm were necessarily replaced; we welcomed Andrew Stanley onto the committee for the first time and were glad to welcome back Dean Klimczak. Kirsten Hoeft was formally elected to do a job she's actually been doing for some time but we seem to have lost Phil Gyford from the team which is a pity. The President was retained and Rod Randall remains as a vice-president; Tony Regan was also elected as a vice-president; Lorraine Schutz is continuing as Treasurer and Stuey as Secretary. We also still have BBB and John Neville to keep things bubbling along. Mel Davies of course will continue as ever to link our interests with those of the WCMCC
Membership 'fees' and race entries will remain unchanged for this coming year but will almost certainly rise for the one following.
But we forgot to vote on the motion from the floor to effect a change in the constitution which would allow the election of a 'president-for-life' so, unfortunately the motion again lapsed.
Thinks...the Report for the 13th AGM is going to sound remarkably like the 12th. The fundmental things are the same: membership numbers, affiliations, the business of racing with its course hassles, new courses, great rides. The structure of the WACF might have changed but we are still waiting for some indication of the direction the new-look WACF might take in its dealings with ATTA. The ACF played around with its insurance and ATTA was forced to look elsewhere for its cover and is now totally independent of everybody on that basis. It's a sad but certain thing that the insidious need for this form of protection influences our existence far too much. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just get on with the business of riding our bikes! Sometimes it's not made easy for us.
Nevertheless we finally made it into King's Park this year - legitimately and for a very successful early morning series. I think of it as the highlight of the season. A new course was again necessary for the 40k Championships - not a bad one but not well suited for the larger events and this year's was one of our larger 40s Other new or newish courses were tried during the season but something went sadly wrong and we ran out of steam before we got to the 160km: couldn't find a course, couldn't find the riders or the people necessary to run it. So it didn't happen. But the Hillies gave the usual focus to things. Currently we are seeing an interesting turaround in the winter rides. The numbers at the first couple of Shenton Park 17s have been amazing - more so when we remember other Shenton rides where 3 or 4 cold, wet and reluctant riders were outnumbered by the marshals etc. But the people we are seeing at the moment are not the usual mob they are our "out-of-season" Tri- friends, the ones who did much to make our King's Park and, previously, the Perry Lakes events what they were. At times we have benefitted by the relative lack of events being promoted elsewhere but it makes us feel we're wanted.
It's a little ironic that we finally saw the opening early in the year of the permanently signed Lake Leschenaultia MTB track with ATTA's name on it at a time when our MTBing has all but ceased. It was of course entirely fitting that, at the opening (Sir Magnus) Pimm had some public recognition of his contribution to getting MTB things going around WA. Thanks are certainly due to our erstwhile member Patrick Couser for seeing the project through. It remains to be seen whether ATTA will be able to revive an interest in the MTB area. At least we will be back at the Lake for the Panther Trophy ride next month. But what sort of a ride will it be without Pimm? What sort of an ATTA will it be without Pimm(s)?
Part of that question has been answered, a small part. We did manage to replace Karen but only in her role of Honsec. Stuey has done a fine job there. And we have welcomed Tony Regan back onto the committee so there is still the family connection. But ATTA is a family itself...
What we do need now is renewed energies; we say that about this time every year. We know there is a need for the sort of things we offer - people do keep coming to our events. But we also need a few more courses or to be able to return to some that we have recently lost for one reason or another.
In the meantime, thanks to all the people who have kept us afloat this year. And strength to the legs of our contingent off soon to make an assault on the Masters' World Championships in Austria: BBB, Lorraine and Tony Regan who will also be accompanied by WCMCC's Wayne Lally.
Farewell Pimmie and Karen.